Friday, March 22, 2013

..that make you go .....Aahhhh (#sigh)

There are some places that you go to, or know you are on the way to, that just make you go ....Aahhhh. 
For us, Michael (hubby) and I, it is the round-a-bout at the junction of Wyong Rd and The Entrance road. We both take a deep breath and go Aahhhh! This is the place where we turn to go up to our favourite swimming hole call The Entrance Baths. It isn't far from our home, about 25 minutes, but it is where we both find our place to relax and breath..... Aahhhh. Where we get time to be uninterrupted with each other and our kids. To have fun, swim, walk by our favourite landscape, the beach. At times we can have the whole Baths to ourselves. This is were we get to recoup from the week.  Were we get to explore and let time pass us by. Were we get to be adventures, if we want to, or sloths. Not worrying about what we have left behind..... you know, like when you go on holidays. We just love that all we have to do if we need a "holiday" is to drive about 25 minutes north and we arrived ready for our quick break away!
As you can see I have painted a big picture of how much we love it and how important that is to us, and there is a reason for this...... I believe that everyone should have a place that is their "holiday" for them. We all need to find a place or activity where we can have some "head space". To reboot the systems, refresh the mind, to clear the airways. 

I remember, and still love, that when the kids were little my Aahhhh spot was when Michael had taken the kids out of the house (so I couldn't hear them or see them) and I could have an uninterrupted shower, with no noise, no fighting, not asking questions through the door. Just time for me!  Bliss!!!!!
Another one our times alone, and Aahhhh moment, is just Michael and I is going for about a 5km walk in the morning. I especially find this important when Michael travels and I need some me time.

Where is the thing that makes you go......Aahhhh? You can tell me or just bring it back to your memory. Is it time you revisited it? How often do you need your Aahhhh time? We are all different and have and handle different stresses in our lives differently. I hope you are all ready to take that "holiday" again this week. Would love to hear where you went! Maybe you might have some ideas where others may have no idea where to start. Have an awesome week being an explorer, sports star, a proof reader, or a sloth.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Life = Jigsaw puzzle

My hubby posted this on our business facebook page. I loved it so much I thought I might share it with the rest of the world (hehehehe). I pray that it speaks to you as it already has to many.

Everything I learnt about in life I learnt from a Jigsaw Puzzle!

Don't force a fit. If something is meant to be, it will come together naturally.

When things aren't going so well, take a break. Everything will look different when you return.

Be sure to look at the big picture. Getting hung up on the little pieces only leads to frustration.

Perseverance pays off. Every important puzzle went together bit by bit, piece by piece.

When one spot stops working, move to another. But be sure to come back later (see above).

The creator of the puzzle gave you the picture as a guidebook.

Variety is the spice of life. It's the different colors and patterns that make the puzzle interesting.

Establish the border first. Boundaries give a sense of security and order.

Don't be afraid to try different combinations. Some matches are surprising.

Take time to celebrate your successes (even little ones).

Anything worth doing takes time and effort. A great puzzle can't be rushed.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What to expect, when you're expecting

I know when you saw this title you assumed that it would be a blog about births, babies etc..... That was your expectation. Expectations are a funny, and sometimes not such a funny thing. Quite often we associate expectations with people or things not being met. Being let down, disappointed, angry,....... and the list could go on and on with all the other emotions.
Sometimes we expect more than is reasonable, or they step up to the challenge.
Like our friends and family, we have such high expectations (most of the time unrealistic).
Or our children, we expect too little of or from them.

Sometime we are the ones that have high or heavy expectations on ourselves.

And sometimes we are expecting someone to do something that they haven't even been told to do?! I know, you think that is crazy but we all do it.

Other times we allow others expectations hold us back, or even worse hold us down, from what we are really meant to be doing.

Now comes REALITY, the let down. Let's live in reality.

it is time to change ourselves and what we EXPECT of others to do or to be done for us.

Expectations often lead to disappointment. Expectations are full of assumptions, and the only person they will make an ass of, is YOU! Let's keep it simple. Don't assume what hasn't been discussed. Only go on what you have been given. The only expectation you SHOULD have is, to expect the best from others and yourself. People in general are trying to their best in what life has thrown them. It is time for a change in what you expect...... I expect that this is a lesson that we will continue to learn. 

Blessed are the flexible for they shall not break..... and keep on willing to learn it!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

There’s something between us

I’ve been reading this amazing book called “Winning with people” written by John C. Maxwell. This book is all about fostering and working on, and most of all valuing good relationships. It is what makes the world go round.
 The thing I like most of all about this book is a chapter called The Situational Principle. The key point I got out of this is that if you value your relationships, not to put the situation you are going through with this person (especially if it is wasn’t good and hurtful words were said) before your relationship/ friendship. Keeping a good relationship or friendship is hard work and quite often forgiveness (not forgetting) is required. One of the quotes in this book spoke to me loudly is "It is more rewarding to resolve a situation than to dissolve a relationship".

Good friendships are worth fighting for. That is why we are alive and come alive......................... for relationships!

My husband and I have run a number of Pre-Marriage and Marriage courses. In these courses they talk about putting this issue out in front of you. This means that this disagreement you are having, don't make it wedge between you and make that the issue. Start to come together and discuss how we together are going to find a solution to that problem. An old counselling term "the problem is the problem". Let's try and keep it that way. 

Now it is your turn. Here is my question to you that the writer of this book posed to us, "Do I sometimes put situations ahead of my relationships?"
I want to encourage you not to think only of all your adult friendships/ relationships but also those you have with your children (if you have any). 
Now you have that answer what are YOU going to do about it? It is my EVERY DAY decision to try and make sure that no situation, especially with family, means more to me than the relationship.
I know you can do this too!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Discipline is a funny word

When we think of the word discipline we conjurer up thoughts of being in trouble, of times at school looking at a wall or writing lines or even worse scab duty (picking up the rubbish around the school). What if I told you that I believe the word discipline is supposed to be a good word, there to help you and put you in a place to receive favour and blessings. I decided to look up the word to see what the dictionary came up with. So here it is...... Discipline (the first line of the meaning) is "Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement." Sure you get the other meanings of correction etc. after that but I think this proves my point. I know that we have to "discipline our bodies when trying to get into shape which also includes "disciplining" ourselves to eat right. I could be even just seeing something you have started through to the end no matter how you feel about it or how happy you are with what you have done so far. It is seeing it through to the end. At the moment I'm learning a new facet of this word called Discipline.

Over a week ago I started decluttering our house. I wanted to do it all in 2 weeks during our school holidays. Looking at it now I think it was an unreasonable expectation but discipline is saying to me even though I haven't done most of it (but still alot, 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and the cupboard under the stairs) that I should continue to finish no matter how long it takes. As I do want to do a great job of it not "she'll be right" with what I have already done and just clean up the other rooms, which is very tempting to do!  I have also decided that this week it would be double batch week. With life going back to normal school term, I didn't want to pressure of the first week of back to school and trying to get home in time to feed the troops. So that means that this week I make double batches of everything (I mean everything) and then freeze the second batch for the next week........ NO COOKING FOR A WEEK (just reheating)!! Imagine the difference that it could make in your house hold for that week.

Well time to stop chatting and getting on with this decluttering, no matter how long it takes. Hope this inspires you to get disciplined in what ever is in front of you at this moment.

So who is going to join me for double batch week?
I would love to hear what you are getting disciplined in and how you are accomplishing this. 

Have a blessed and favored week as a result of you being DISCIPLINED!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Do you ENDURE or ENJOY life?

We all know the famous saying "Life wasn't meant to be easy, but it was meant to be enjoyable". I have been having this battle with myself for, I must say, quiet a number of years concerning money. Do I spend, how much do I save, how much is too much? You know those questions we ask ourselves when we have more than ourselves to think about. They aren't stupid questions, they are just questions that come up when dealing with day to day life of a family. Money can play such a controlling role in our lives.

As I was sitting on my exercise bike this morning in our hotel gym listening to the bible being read to me via my phone (I am loving this new way of doing exercise and not get distracted by the kids or turning on the tv............ which will then turn encourage my children to sitting around me while I am doing my exercises), I was lead to think about the phase from Ecclesiastes (as what was read to me was Ecc 1-7) "Everything is meaningless", which to tell you the truth is quite depressing!! But reading it in context with all that the writer is trying to say, is that whether you have a little or you have a lot of money (that is the part that is meaningless) you should enjoy life and be happy with every stage you are at.

 At the moment our family is in the middle of saving mode. We are saving for a family overseas holiday. We have the destination picked, we know how much we have to save and we are all ready to enjoy to fruits of our hard work and sacrifice. We are all going to have times of lean and time of plenty in our finances. Your plenty at times are not always going to look the way you wanted, e.g. not having a few hundred or thousand dollars to throw around, but you will have times when you have an extra ten, fifty or even one hundred dollars to enjoy. So ENJOY IT!! In the middle of all this 'meaningless' was a quote from Ecc 3:13 which says "...people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these ARE (my highlighting) gifts from God."  We can't take our money with us when we die. So why not enjoy ALL that has been given to you for your hard work and start investing and creating memories with it. Don't let money be the reason why you don't do things as a family. Be wise with what you've got but enjoy the ride. Be generous with what you have, this includes time, resources and money. Invest in your chosen relationships, know your seasons and enjoy YOUR journey!

"Life wasn't meant to be easy, but it was meant to be enjoyable"

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The List.

All of us have some sort of lists that we make for ourselves each day. They can be verbal lists, physical lists (either written or typed into a computer/phone) or the memory list ,which we all know we have heaps of them but I don't know if I could trust my lists from memory. These lists can be quite overwhelming when we take time to think of all the things we THINK we need to do for that day. These lists can also be condemning when we put our worth or value on how good we are by how much we get done in a day. Of course we never let ourselves off the hook when external circumstances come into play, NO we don't.

I know I'm not an unreal house keeper all the time. I quite often have 3, no 4, interruptions at least a couple times a day. "Mum, I don't know how to do this question", "Mum, I hungry", "Honey, I think it's time for a morning tea coffee". Does this sound somewhat familiar? Plus making the house function with meals, washing, cleaning, taking the kids to school/ preschool and the list goes on just to make get through the basics of this day. I'm exhausted just writing all this down!! And that is only just the physical strains of the day let alone all the emotional ones that can creep into your day.

For a while I was getting overwhelmed with all my "things to do" then I had to stop and reassess on what was important for me and my family to function. Again, what was important to ME and MY FAMILY. We live in a very intense and pressured life these days. I think we all take on more pressure than what is necessary. I must say I do like lists but when lists get in the way of what is important (not urgent) I believe that is where most of us go wrong. When vacuuming gets priority before you child who is needing a hug. When a tidying up the lounge is before enjoying the company you have invited over. When dying your hair comes before going on a family outing. I'm sure you could list your own reasons (excuses). Lately I've been reading a book called 'Winning with People' by John Maxwell. This book has made me look at what is important in life like relationships over whose right. Life is about others. So, I think that my lists should be a combination of what I need to get done, what I'd like to get done and what time I make to spend with those around me for that day. Our lives are so ridged that we can't fit in those things that we really do need to do like kiss your children, have a coffee with a friend, lay on the driveway and look at the stars with your hubby. Life is to short to look at lists all day long and the people that love you looking on with 'I wish you would................................' eyes.

Have lists but also have a life that you enjoy with the people you enjoy in it!